On February 20, son of Shiv Sena (Uddhav Thackeray group) MLA Prakash Phaterpekar’s son Swapnil allegedly attacked singer Sonu Nigam after a concert. In the attack, Nigam’s close associates, Hari Prasad and Rabbani Khan, got injured, and the singer fell on the stairs. A video of the incident has gone viral on social media. A case has been filed under Sections 341, 337 and 323 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
‘Uddhav’s Sena reduced to Gundo Ki Sena’ – BJP reacted to the incident
Bharatiya Janata Party’s national spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla said, “Once again, the true face of the Uddhav Sena, which has now reduced to Gundo Ki Sena, has come to the fore where MLA of Uddhav’s Sena Prakash Phaterpekar’s son attacking Sonu Nigam and other artists merely for a selfie. This shows the sense of arrogance and entitlement and also the violent politics and violent ways that are pursued by the Uddhav Ki Sena. It also shows that this is not one incident but a serial offender as far as violence is concerned. They have attacked a 60-year-old Navy veteran, and they have attacked other people, also physically and violently. Now they attacked artists, including Sonu Nigam. It only showed the mindset and the approach that Uddhav Sena now believes in
Police statement
Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Hemrajsingh Rajput said, “After a live concert, Sonu Nigam was coming down from the stage when a man held him. After objection he pushed Sonu Nigam & two other men with him from the steps, one of those two men sustained injuries. The accused’s name is Swapnil Phaterpekar.” He added, “As per interaction with Sonu Nigam, the incident didn’t seem to be intentional, it was done by a single person. The volunteers then controlled the situation. Only one name in FIR. It’s just a case where the singer was held by the accused maybe due to the intention of having a photo.”
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